CHEMOTYPE: 1.8 Cineol.
Ravintsara (Cinnamomum camphora) is a medium-sized tree belonging to the Lauraceae family, native to Madagascar. Its bark is reddish and its leaves are helical, glabrous and leathery. This tree is very different from the Asian camphor species and its leaves have a very different chemical composition. It has a very high level of 1.8 cineole which is the chemical that gives it its distinctive and penetrating aroma.
The essential oil of Ravintsara (Cinnamomum Camphora) is a guarantee against viral infections. It plays a leading role in the world of aromatherapy and can be used by the whole family. It is particularly recommended in cases of ENT infections because of its antiviral action and stimulating effects on the immune system.
– It has strong antiviral properties and has been shown to be active and effective in combating different types of viruses;
– It is a powerful expectorant and anti-inflammatory as it clears the respiratory tract and encourages the expulsion of mucus;
– It promotes the drainage of body fluids and the elimination of toxins;
– It has purifying properties: indicated in cases of acne, boils and oily skin;
– Has a valuable regenerating effect: fights stress and fatigue.
Size: 8ml
Code: 2.45.14